东莞市中豪优美实业有限公司(简称中豪优美) 2011年成立于东莞,拥有现代化10万级无尘化妆品车间和标准厂房及全自动生产、制作、质检设备,具备完善的质量监控检测系统,液体日产量150吨,膏霜日产量30吨,面膜全自动生产线日产量12万片,是一家集研发创新、生产加工及品牌营销于一体的化妆品、护肤品、洗涤用品生产企业,通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证,通过了BV必维认证成为阿里巴巴金品诚企及诚信通实力商家,拥有多项外观专利、发明专利与软著,是具备实力的国家高新企业。
中豪优美致力于差异化优势研发,避开激烈的市场竞争,没优势不营销是中豪优美一贯以来的市 场方针!无论产品质量及价格高或低都必须有消费者特别喜爱的差异化优势,才能轻松营销!夹道式分流设备、86°C投香微胶囊工艺、功能性化妆品、日用品等高新技术,达到国外水平,牵手中豪优美与世界名流共舞。
欢迎您加入中豪优美大家庭! 让我们紧握双手,热情拥抱!您的加入让中豪优美大家庭又增添了一份青春的活力与奔涌的激情!
中豪优美是激情演绎的一部创业史、奋斗史!短短数年,犹如高山滚石,狂飙骤起,中豪优美快速成长为行业丰碑,成为一面高高飘扬的旗帜,成为行业标准!跨入中豪优美大家庭之门,您很快就会被裸露的青春、激情的火焰、排山倒海的气势以及敢为天下先的责任所包裹与 融化;
中豪优美是一家青春年少、雄心勃勃、志存高远的公司,我们始终以“铸造人类英 才为己任”,我们希望在风云激荡、四海翻腾的新世纪,为中国的企业走出国门,为世界商业文化的发展尽一己之力。“协助客户成功,富强我的祖国,实现公司价值与员工价值最大化”是我们矢志不移的使命。大国崛起,彰显中国力量,我们坚信其中一定有中豪优美力量!
总裁 叶长清
Welcome to Zohar Yome! Let's hold hands with each other, and hug! There is a youthful vigor and surging passion for Zohar Yome because you join us!
What is Zohar Yome? She is a service organization. She will take service as the most basic standard of behavior, facing to the social groups. She will be a passionate interpretation of the history of entrepreneurship and struggle! In just a few years, just like rolling stones and sudden hurricane, Zohar Yome grows up as Industry Monument fast and becomes a high flying flag and Industry Benchmarking. Once you enter the door of Zohar Yome, you will be surrounded and melted by the naked youth, passionate flame, overwhelming momentum and the responsibility of daring to be the first in the world.
Zohar Yome is a young, ambitious and aspiring company and we always take the personnel training as our responsibility. We hope to devote ourselves to the development of the world business culture and help other Chinese enterprises to become world famous in this highly competitive new century. “To help the customers succeed, strengthen our own country, and achieve the maximization value of company and employee” is our unshaken mission. The rising of China shows the power of China, and we firmly believe that there must be a power from Zohar Yome!
Zohar Yome is an army. We aim to build an invincible business army which will come at once when you need them and can fight any time with sure win. It is vocation for Zohar Yome staffs to be well disciplined and obey orders.
Zohar Yome is a school. "Service is a process of learning and practice." Any unit or anyone must create conditions that could help customers succeed.
Zohar Yome is a family. We advocate “thanksgiving” as our culture
and take "filial piety" as our spirit. Thanksgiving, filial piety is not only the source of success, but also the root of the meaning of life.
Zohar Yome's slogan saying: "I give my youth to Zohar Yome and even my whole life." There is neither Zohar Yome's splendidness nor significance of the existence of our team. Zohar Yome dedicates itself to creating a fair, just and open platform for career promotion. It is not only the guarantee for a further development of a company, but also an opportunity for you to go beyond yourself.
Opportunity awaits those who are prepared. In Zohar Yome, we are the one who make the difference. There is no absolute fairness, so don't expect too much. But for hardworking and serious-minded persons, the chances are always equal. You should prepare yourself that you may be treated wrongly even you do a great job. Warrior of Zohar Yome always says “I am ready to do every job and everything for Zohar Yome whenever or wherever it needs. “ Zohar Yome’s staffs’ minds will become stronger by being wrongly treated.“
Position change or not, high salary or not or reward of future are all under control of us. Clear aim, humbleness, being good at learning, courage to take the important responsibility and perseverance, if you have all these things, you will help others succeed and meanwhile achieve our own success.
“He who wants to accomplish a big and difficult undertaking should start with easier things first and make sure that all details are attended to.” As a fresh staff of Zohar Yome, even you are talented, full of learning or passionate, you must stay hungry and stay foolish, and integrate into the team quickly. A person’s life, “attitude determines altitude”, for the whole lifetime, positioning determines the status, we are the designer of our own fate.
Hoping that all the contents above will help you integrate into the team fast. We look forward to seeing your intelligence and wisdom in this most exciting industry and most legendary company.
Welcome to join in Zohar Yome! Let us hold your hands!
CEO: Frank Ye
1st, January, 2018